Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Keeping Up With The Jones'

Currently Listening To: Little Brother "Watch Me"

Everytime I tell myself I'm going to start blogging more often I fall right off the wagon. I guess I really haven't had to much to get off my chest lately. I stay to myself a lot these days, I've been wondering as to why I have a cellphone anymore but I don't want to be a hermit. I've been going out with this chick pretty frequently & she's pretty cool. I enjoy her company but to be honest I trust women about as much I trust the devil trying to sell me Holy Water. But I figure as long as I keep things in perspective then I can never lose sight of which direction I want the situation to head in. I finally started this workout shit semi-seriously & I must admit I enjoy working out. Feels good to wake up in the morning with my muscles throbbing & shit. My brother Dame's official return home is rapidly approaching & no offense to my other homies who live in jersey but they know damn well we don't even hang out like that anymore. Dame is 1 of my few friends in who I still share a lot of the same interests with these days. So I guess when he comes back home I'll have a nigga to do shit with instead of being around females all the time.