Thursday, September 17, 2009

All Things Considered......

Currently listening to: Lupe Fiasco " Hurt Me Soul "

So now in life I find myself in a position which all too familiar to me. I need to master the art of stepping outside myself & examining the shit that I get myself into. Pardon my language, I've been trying to dial down on the profanity but it hasn't exactly been the easiest road. Anyway, I just need to see the happenings of my life & look at them from a 3rd person perspective. Would I give myself the same advice that I would give another person in the same exact situation as myself?? Familiarity breeds content but what is there to be done to turn the familiar into something new? What changes can I make to my familiar routine that will turn things around? I've been here before but I need to learn from my past missteps & make things different this time around. I recognize my history & with the help of God hopefully I will not be doomed to repeat it because I'm not sure if I can take going through the same turmoil again. Stay tuned because this will be an event of catastrophic proportions or something marvelous.......