Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Welcome new readers.......

Currently listening to: Kanye West "Love Lockdown"

       So I've noticed that a few new people have been checking my blog. I figured I'd take this time to dibble and dabble into the man that goes by the name Rich Porter. First off, Rich Porter isn't my real name but I tell all the new people I come across that it is. No need to just be having my name floating around in the streets. If we ever become close then I'll tell you what my name is.  I'm a supervisor at UPS and have been for the last 3 1/2 years. I feel my job is more like babysitting rather than supervising. I never thought supervising adults would be so stressing. I remember before I was a supervisor, I actually made decisions on my own without my supervisor telling me what to do. I'm also very much in love with this woman but I probably will never have the gumption to make anything happen between us. I realized that I don't live up to my own expectations of what I feel she deserves from a man. I enjoy playing basketball, drinking, playing Xbox 360, occasionally going to the club. I pretty much just do most of the things a 24 year old man enjoys doing. I'm pretty much your average Joe but in the same sentence I'm very different. I have the utmost confidence in myself and my abilities. Some people say I'm a little cocky but I can live with that because I won't allow anyone to ever put me down. I have a passion for fashion. I love having fresh clothes and especially shoes. My mother told me when I was younger that a girl always notices a guys shoes. So she always kept my shit looking sharp and when I got old enough to dress myself then I took it to another level. I have several guilty pleasures such as; milkshakes, girl with pretty smiles, bbq chicken, etc.... I'd like to say thank you to all the new people who come across my blog and I hope you continue to read along. Feel free to comment anytime...

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