Currently listening to: Rick Ross feat. Cee-Lo "Tears Of Joy"
So just as the divine vision the good Lord had given me about a month ago, I knew a change of sorts was brewing. But unlike usual I was well prepared this time around. I actually trusted what God placed before my eyes & I acted accordingly. There wasn't any need for me to want to jab anyone in the neck or no wild shit like that. Live & learn, all that other good shit you feel me. I learned 1 thing though, when God speaks to me in my sleep then I will pay a lot closer attention from here on out. I be having some kinda holy premonitions so next time someone needs to know the future I'll go to sleep & bring back the answers when I wake up.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Deja Who?!?!
Currently listening to: Musiq Soulchild " Half Crazy "
At this point in time I begin to find myself in what seems to be a familiar situation. Now hopefully for myself & everyone involved that this NOTHING like the situation I'm identifying with in my head. It didn't turn out too well & some people had to get ghost in the long run. It was definitely for the best at that time but needless to say it wasn't exactly the smoothest of transitions. I don't want to have to lose another friend due to a lack of communication or miscommunication for that matter so it's time to have a pow wow of sorts. Whereever the chips may fall at the end of the day isn't under my control but having a handle on the matter most definitely is.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Get The Fuck Outta Here!!!
Currently listening to: De La Soul "Buddy"
So has anyone else ever gave someone advice in cynical way but it turned out to be good advice?!?! I guess only weird shit like that only happens to me but should I really be surprised?!? I gave someone some advice a while back just being my usual jackass self but now some time after I did it turns out it was good advice. Where can I go wrong?? Nigga can't even give cynical advice these days anymore. In this particular case, the advice isn't working against me but I'm really perplexed by the fact that I accidentally gave good advice. I need to get me a 1-900 number & an informercial. CALL ME NOW!!!!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Currently listening to: " Mc Hammer " by Rick Ross
So it turns out people checking a nigga & giving reports what the fuck it is I'm doing. Even though 95% of the shit I do is public knowledge, who the fuck are these people to go spot checking me. I'm not going to say any name even though I know EXACTLY who the fuck it was because thats uncalled for. They just need to know as soon as they read this I sincerely hope they eat a dick with AIDS on the tip for being so fuckin' lame. I don't give 2 fucks what it is they do with their lives so its no need for them to comment on mine. It snakes in the grass & I can see their skin peeling.
So it turns out people checking a nigga & giving reports what the fuck it is I'm doing. Even though 95% of the shit I do is public knowledge, who the fuck are these people to go spot checking me. I'm not going to say any name even though I know EXACTLY who the fuck it was because thats uncalled for. They just need to know as soon as they read this I sincerely hope they eat a dick with AIDS on the tip for being so fuckin' lame. I don't give 2 fucks what it is they do with their lives so its no need for them to comment on mine. It snakes in the grass & I can see their skin peeling.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Find My Way.....
Currently Listening To: Tyga & Chris Brown - "Holla At Me"
Man, I swear I hate when I really have some shit on my mind but then I totally forget. I sat in front of a blank blog post for about an hour trying to figure out what it is that I wanted to say. God ALWAYS points in the direction of something I've buried in my sub-conscience well after I decided to concede to the notion. I guess its just not my time when I want to invest time & energy into various adventures. My eyes have REALLY been open to a lot of different things that weren't even on my radar this time last year. Funny how around my birthday life always seems to hit me with some new shit. I have a sense of the direction I should be heading into at this present time but I have no idea where its going leave me though.
Man, I swear I hate when I really have some shit on my mind but then I totally forget. I sat in front of a blank blog post for about an hour trying to figure out what it is that I wanted to say. God ALWAYS points in the direction of something I've buried in my sub-conscience well after I decided to concede to the notion. I guess its just not my time when I want to invest time & energy into various adventures. My eyes have REALLY been open to a lot of different things that weren't even on my radar this time last year. Funny how around my birthday life always seems to hit me with some new shit. I have a sense of the direction I should be heading into at this present time but I have no idea where its going leave me though.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Lone Ranger......
Currently Listening To: "In This World" by Jae Millz
Why is that people will always try to find something they believe is to your detriment to use against you when they feeling weak?! If you have to bring down another person down to make yourself feel a little better then you need to re-evaluate your life. Nothing in my life is a detriment to me. Everthing that has happened to me whether it be good, bad, or indifferent makes me the man that I am today. Pat Benetar said love is a battlefield but I honestly believe life is a battlefield. I'm just earning stripes along the way in this war of life. I'm a 1 man battilion & even though I have allies nobody else is fighting the war I'm fighting. So in essence, nobody needs to get ahead of themselves & think that I trust them because I don't. I always sleep with 1 eye open so I see the enemy on the horizon most of the time. Thats not to say I haven't lost my fair share of battles in life........
Why is that people will always try to find something they believe is to your detriment to use against you when they feeling weak?! If you have to bring down another person down to make yourself feel a little better then you need to re-evaluate your life. Nothing in my life is a detriment to me. Everthing that has happened to me whether it be good, bad, or indifferent makes me the man that I am today. Pat Benetar said love is a battlefield but I honestly believe life is a battlefield. I'm just earning stripes along the way in this war of life. I'm a 1 man battilion & even though I have allies nobody else is fighting the war I'm fighting. So in essence, nobody needs to get ahead of themselves & think that I trust them because I don't. I always sleep with 1 eye open so I see the enemy on the horizon most of the time. Thats not to say I haven't lost my fair share of battles in life........
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Watching From The Sideline......
Currently listening to: "The Right Time" by Ray Charles
In life you can usually get a pretty good feeling for a person through random conversation or sparingly being around them. But then other times it takes deeper combination of those 2 instances. Sometimes that may end up revealing someone is a complete jackass or that they're actually a genuine person to be around. Recently I've realized both those conceptions about people in my life. I've just realized that someone I've been mildy close with is pretty compatible with myself. This is the 1st time I've actually been in a situation of this nature so its kind of awkward because I'm all about being upfront with my views/feelings for people but at the same time I don't want to create an awkward situation. I guess I can always can kind wonder what could be. Besides a certain dynamic is in the way of any potential progress so I will just be "Watching From The Sideline" (like how I ended with the title of the blog post?!?)
In life you can usually get a pretty good feeling for a person through random conversation or sparingly being around them. But then other times it takes deeper combination of those 2 instances. Sometimes that may end up revealing someone is a complete jackass or that they're actually a genuine person to be around. Recently I've realized both those conceptions about people in my life. I've just realized that someone I've been mildy close with is pretty compatible with myself. This is the 1st time I've actually been in a situation of this nature so its kind of awkward because I'm all about being upfront with my views/feelings for people but at the same time I don't want to create an awkward situation. I guess I can always can kind wonder what could be. Besides a certain dynamic is in the way of any potential progress so I will just be "Watching From The Sideline" (like how I ended with the title of the blog post?!?)
Friday, April 16, 2010
It's So Easy......
Currently listening to: "Shades" by Wale
So I think it was 2 entries ago I spoke of a female who I HAD been spending some significant time with but notice the HAD in that sentence. She talked her way right out of that by trippin' over shit I put on twitter & facebook (go ahead & laugh because I did). How you buggin cause I joke about having sex with someone who lives 900 away from where I live?!? GET A FUCKIN GRIP!! WARNING: Take nothing I put on the internet seriously!! I'll be damned if someone is going to try to make me feel bad about my actions or words & not get moved right along. Feel however you feel by all means but I don't need to hear anyone complaining over it. I've gotten over the whole badmouthing people stage of my life so God bless her & I'm not going to put on a show for my twitter/facebook friends like she's been doing since I told her we mind as well go in seperate directions if she's going to bug out over internet nonsense. I had females (excluding family) in a very low regard so don't get comfortable.
So I think it was 2 entries ago I spoke of a female who I HAD been spending some significant time with but notice the HAD in that sentence. She talked her way right out of that by trippin' over shit I put on twitter & facebook (go ahead & laugh because I did). How you buggin cause I joke about having sex with someone who lives 900 away from where I live?!? GET A FUCKIN GRIP!! WARNING: Take nothing I put on the internet seriously!! I'll be damned if someone is going to try to make me feel bad about my actions or words & not get moved right along. Feel however you feel by all means but I don't need to hear anyone complaining over it. I've gotten over the whole badmouthing people stage of my life so God bless her & I'm not going to put on a show for my twitter/facebook friends like she's been doing since I told her we mind as well go in seperate directions if she's going to bug out over internet nonsense. I had females (excluding family) in a very low regard so don't get comfortable.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Throw Some D's On It.......
Currently Listening To: TM F.R.E.S.H. - "Skittles"
My currently listening to is a shoutout to the homies down in Jacksonville (check them out at search The Real Team Fresh) which where I just came from vacation a week ago. I had very good & interesting time to say the least. They may even see me make a return during 1 of my other 2 vacations for the year, who knows! I hit the scene feeling like fuckin' Don Magic Juan because I got picked up by 3 pretty women & they even help put my bags in the trunk (insert pimp laugh here). Then I FINALLY went to Chik-Fil-A (did you guys get the drift I don't leave Doddtown too often yet, lol) & I must admit that shit is fuckin' delicious. I told the manager it was my 1st time & I was from New Jersey. He replied, "Thats like another planet up there!" Little did I realize that he was exactly right. Then we went to some spot for cupcakes & them shits were like $5 a piece but I shit you not it was very much worth the pricing. Good food arouses me, I must admit this fact very bashfully. The rest of my day in Jacksonville was pretty quiet until we went out to the club later that night & man was it a culture shock. I never seen so many lacefront wigs(I hate lacefront wigs FYI) in 1 building EVER!! Spot we went to was pretty cool & it was dumb cheap to get in ($5 after 12 would be crack prices here in NJ). After the club let out is when the excitement took place! So Shon, Ceas, & myself were going back to the car when we saw some dude spazzin' on his girlfriend. Valet guy pulled up the couple's car so we moved out the way & dude says to Ceas, "you followin' my car bro?!?!". So Ceas responds "fuck you talkin bout nigga?!?!". Dude repeats himself & Ceas tucks his chain into his shirt then ATTEMPTS to jab dude with his left hand. Notice how I put attempt in all caps because he did not connect on the punch. Me & Shon look at Ceas confused as hell by him completely missing this dude's head region. Dude throws his hands up, squints his eyes, & then says "whhhhhaaaa?!?!". That was hands down the funniest thing that happened the entire time I was down there. After the fuckery, we went to IHOP (universal after party dining) & it was the same nonsense I'm used to here. Some dude was in there straight lookin' like Kimbo Slice with a full sweatsuit on & he was only drinking coffee (scratches head in confusion). I saw what appeared to be church folks & club hoppers alike all pass through I hop at the same time. Young boys with dreds coming in with 6x tshirts on. Definitely was a very subtle culture shock to me if I must say so myself. I really thought that every nigga up here had dreds but they got niggas up here beat & they don't keep their shit done either! I guess I should start summarizing this shit a little more because I was down there for a whole week & I can go on typing bout shit for days! Hit some fweed for the 1st time ever (don't ask me why niggas call it fweed but shit made my knee lock up before I went to sleep) & went to Pensacola for a couple of days to kick it with my brother Dame. They let you drink alcohol on the beach there! Physically on the beach, not in some bar on the boardwalk like they do here! Loso told this nigga Zo don't come home if he didn't wash the dishes & Zo was then M.I.A. for 2 days afterwards. Zo pops up again after Loso dipped off & niggas thought it was the funniest thing ever. I got on the mic for a couple of bars but had to restart this nigga computer when I was finally starting to get the hang of the whole studio vibe (I may be coming to a track near you VERY soon so watch out). I pumped gas for the 1st time ever & that is some fag ass shit! Thank Baby Jesus we got gas station attendants up here cause I can't even bang with that shit. All in all I will say I had a blast down there, met some good people, & got an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone for a while. I just want to thank everyone who showed me a good time while I was down there. Southern hospitality was definitely in effect & like I told all of them, I got the tour bus for whenever they want to come up top to the jungle.
My currently listening to is a shoutout to the homies down in Jacksonville (check them out at search The Real Team Fresh) which where I just came from vacation a week ago. I had very good & interesting time to say the least. They may even see me make a return during 1 of my other 2 vacations for the year, who knows! I hit the scene feeling like fuckin' Don Magic Juan because I got picked up by 3 pretty women & they even help put my bags in the trunk (insert pimp laugh here). Then I FINALLY went to Chik-Fil-A (did you guys get the drift I don't leave Doddtown too often yet, lol) & I must admit that shit is fuckin' delicious. I told the manager it was my 1st time & I was from New Jersey. He replied, "Thats like another planet up there!" Little did I realize that he was exactly right. Then we went to some spot for cupcakes & them shits were like $5 a piece but I shit you not it was very much worth the pricing. Good food arouses me, I must admit this fact very bashfully. The rest of my day in Jacksonville was pretty quiet until we went out to the club later that night & man was it a culture shock. I never seen so many lacefront wigs(I hate lacefront wigs FYI) in 1 building EVER!! Spot we went to was pretty cool & it was dumb cheap to get in ($5 after 12 would be crack prices here in NJ). After the club let out is when the excitement took place! So Shon, Ceas, & myself were going back to the car when we saw some dude spazzin' on his girlfriend. Valet guy pulled up the couple's car so we moved out the way & dude says to Ceas, "you followin' my car bro?!?!". So Ceas responds "fuck you talkin bout nigga?!?!". Dude repeats himself & Ceas tucks his chain into his shirt then ATTEMPTS to jab dude with his left hand. Notice how I put attempt in all caps because he did not connect on the punch. Me & Shon look at Ceas confused as hell by him completely missing this dude's head region. Dude throws his hands up, squints his eyes, & then says "whhhhhaaaa?!?!". That was hands down the funniest thing that happened the entire time I was down there. After the fuckery, we went to IHOP (universal after party dining) & it was the same nonsense I'm used to here. Some dude was in there straight lookin' like Kimbo Slice with a full sweatsuit on & he was only drinking coffee (scratches head in confusion). I saw what appeared to be church folks & club hoppers alike all pass through I hop at the same time. Young boys with dreds coming in with 6x tshirts on. Definitely was a very subtle culture shock to me if I must say so myself. I really thought that every nigga up here had dreds but they got niggas up here beat & they don't keep their shit done either! I guess I should start summarizing this shit a little more because I was down there for a whole week & I can go on typing bout shit for days! Hit some fweed for the 1st time ever (don't ask me why niggas call it fweed but shit made my knee lock up before I went to sleep) & went to Pensacola for a couple of days to kick it with my brother Dame. They let you drink alcohol on the beach there! Physically on the beach, not in some bar on the boardwalk like they do here! Loso told this nigga Zo don't come home if he didn't wash the dishes & Zo was then M.I.A. for 2 days afterwards. Zo pops up again after Loso dipped off & niggas thought it was the funniest thing ever. I got on the mic for a couple of bars but had to restart this nigga computer when I was finally starting to get the hang of the whole studio vibe (I may be coming to a track near you VERY soon so watch out). I pumped gas for the 1st time ever & that is some fag ass shit! Thank Baby Jesus we got gas station attendants up here cause I can't even bang with that shit. All in all I will say I had a blast down there, met some good people, & got an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone for a while. I just want to thank everyone who showed me a good time while I was down there. Southern hospitality was definitely in effect & like I told all of them, I got the tour bus for whenever they want to come up top to the jungle.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Keeping Up With The Jones'
Currently Listening To: Little Brother "Watch Me"
Everytime I tell myself I'm going to start blogging more often I fall right off the wagon. I guess I really haven't had to much to get off my chest lately. I stay to myself a lot these days, I've been wondering as to why I have a cellphone anymore but I don't want to be a hermit. I've been going out with this chick pretty frequently & she's pretty cool. I enjoy her company but to be honest I trust women about as much I trust the devil trying to sell me Holy Water. But I figure as long as I keep things in perspective then I can never lose sight of which direction I want the situation to head in. I finally started this workout shit semi-seriously & I must admit I enjoy working out. Feels good to wake up in the morning with my muscles throbbing & shit. My brother Dame's official return home is rapidly approaching & no offense to my other homies who live in jersey but they know damn well we don't even hang out like that anymore. Dame is 1 of my few friends in who I still share a lot of the same interests with these days. So I guess when he comes back home I'll have a nigga to do shit with instead of being around females all the time.
Everytime I tell myself I'm going to start blogging more often I fall right off the wagon. I guess I really haven't had to much to get off my chest lately. I stay to myself a lot these days, I've been wondering as to why I have a cellphone anymore but I don't want to be a hermit. I've been going out with this chick pretty frequently & she's pretty cool. I enjoy her company but to be honest I trust women about as much I trust the devil trying to sell me Holy Water. But I figure as long as I keep things in perspective then I can never lose sight of which direction I want the situation to head in. I finally started this workout shit semi-seriously & I must admit I enjoy working out. Feels good to wake up in the morning with my muscles throbbing & shit. My brother Dame's official return home is rapidly approaching & no offense to my other homies who live in jersey but they know damn well we don't even hang out like that anymore. Dame is 1 of my few friends in who I still share a lot of the same interests with these days. So I guess when he comes back home I'll have a nigga to do shit with instead of being around females all the time.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
What Is....
Currently listening to: The Dream "Cry"
I need someone who can explain what it is that makes a date a date! Like how do you really know you're out on a "date"?!? From my understanding of the concept, it's when 2 people who have an interest in each other decide to engage in a social activity. But if the interest is 1 sided or non-existent does that still make it a date? Because usually when you're on a date with someone it can potentially lead to a relationship. So if there is no chance of romantic involvement is it still a date?? Now by my own definition, I've probably only been on like 4 dates in my life. Come to think of it, I've been missing out because I just go out with some females just so I won't have to be in the house or surrounded by other men. Think about that shit for a minute.....
I need someone who can explain what it is that makes a date a date! Like how do you really know you're out on a "date"?!? From my understanding of the concept, it's when 2 people who have an interest in each other decide to engage in a social activity. But if the interest is 1 sided or non-existent does that still make it a date? Because usually when you're on a date with someone it can potentially lead to a relationship. So if there is no chance of romantic involvement is it still a date?? Now by my own definition, I've probably only been on like 4 dates in my life. Come to think of it, I've been missing out because I just go out with some females just so I won't have to be in the house or surrounded by other men. Think about that shit for a minute.....
Saturday, February 13, 2010
How Many Of Us Have Them......
Currently listening to: Curren$y - "Audio Dope"
The other day someone I consider a pretty good friend of mine asked, "What do you call a friend you don't see or speak to!?!?" My reply was that the person in question isn't a friend if those are the dynamics of your "friendship". That got me to thinking what constitutes being friends with someone. Everyone has something different things in which they need from their friends. Like me personally, I know a lot of people & others are quick to throw the "friend" title on them quick. I hold my "friends" in a very high regard & sometimes I prefer them over my family. I'll give any of my friends my absolute last without a second thought or a flinch. Their problems are my problems. Just because you may see me with someone often doesn't make them my friend. They just may be a very close affiliate of mine but in reality when some shit goes down they most likely going to have to handle it on their own depending on the dynamics. I'm going to keep shit 100, if anyone thinks they are my friend they might want to think that over. I have plenty of affiliates who I value their presence in my life but to be my friend is more so like being my family. Sidebar, I guess I should start watching what I say on the internet these days. Feds taking pictures & shit. I got a tracker on this shit, I play the background on twitter & facebook! I will light them bushes you hiding behind on fire. Straight go biblical on that ass, burning bush & shit... call me young Moses! LMAO
The other day someone I consider a pretty good friend of mine asked, "What do you call a friend you don't see or speak to!?!?" My reply was that the person in question isn't a friend if those are the dynamics of your "friendship". That got me to thinking what constitutes being friends with someone. Everyone has something different things in which they need from their friends. Like me personally, I know a lot of people & others are quick to throw the "friend" title on them quick. I hold my "friends" in a very high regard & sometimes I prefer them over my family. I'll give any of my friends my absolute last without a second thought or a flinch. Their problems are my problems. Just because you may see me with someone often doesn't make them my friend. They just may be a very close affiliate of mine but in reality when some shit goes down they most likely going to have to handle it on their own depending on the dynamics. I'm going to keep shit 100, if anyone thinks they are my friend they might want to think that over. I have plenty of affiliates who I value their presence in my life but to be my friend is more so like being my family. Sidebar, I guess I should start watching what I say on the internet these days. Feds taking pictures & shit. I got a tracker on this shit, I play the background on twitter & facebook! I will light them bushes you hiding behind on fire. Straight go biblical on that ass, burning bush & shit... call me young Moses! LMAO
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Bucky naked........
Currently listening to: Rick Ross feat. Gunplay - "Gunplay"
Last night I went out with the crew cause 1 of my homies got dumped by his girl so he wanted to make some new friends. Mind you this silly ass chick has my homie name tatted on her lowerback (yea tramp stamp) & he let the bitch live with her. Even more crazy, he still lives at home!! So he moved a bitch into his mama crib!!! Thats neither here nor there so let me cut to point of this post. I fuckin' broke my cell phone!!! I dropped it outside my house on some drunk man shit & it got ran over so the screen is broken. I feel like a loser without a working cell phone... like how do people survive without 1. I'm extra tight cause I just exchanged numbers with this real bad ass chick last night. FUCK YOUR LIFE.............
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Stop It Slime.....
Currently listening to: J.Cole, Curren$y, & Wale - " Rather Be With You "
So last night I went out for my homie's born day (that's nigga speak for his day of birth). I've never been to this spot in my area called 60 Park & Grill until last night & now I see exactly why! This was hands down the most hood spot I'VE EVER BEEN TOO & that's saying a lot because its up the street from the previous holder of the title! I'm outside waiting to go in & I hear security guard ask a nigga, " You bout to bum in my G??". For those who may read this who aren't seasoned to inner-city gang terminology, that's the type of phrase someone affiliated with the notorious Blood gang would use. Its use was to find out if the gentlemen was coming inside the establishment for the festivities that evening. But back to the story, as soon as I heard that exchange I already knew it would be a funny evening. So after I was patted down, me & my homie go inside only to see 2 females peace each other up Westside (Blood set). There were WAY too many niggerish moments in there for me to really give a full rundown of them all. I smelled the very distinct smell of vaginal secretion in the air & there were all kinds of fat bitches in tights trying to make their ass look fat. Fastforward, the night was capped off with the ceremonial fight at the end. Some nigga caught a right hook to the face over apologizing to this dude after he bumped into him by touching his shoulder. All in all, it was actually ok to be honest. I need to be in places like that every so often to always keep me in touch of where I came from. Good thing for me I knew a lot of niggas in there or I could have ended up like dude who got put down over an apology.
So last night I went out for my homie's born day (that's nigga speak for his day of birth). I've never been to this spot in my area called 60 Park & Grill until last night & now I see exactly why! This was hands down the most hood spot I'VE EVER BEEN TOO & that's saying a lot because its up the street from the previous holder of the title! I'm outside waiting to go in & I hear security guard ask a nigga, " You bout to bum in my G??". For those who may read this who aren't seasoned to inner-city gang terminology, that's the type of phrase someone affiliated with the notorious Blood gang would use. Its use was to find out if the gentlemen was coming inside the establishment for the festivities that evening. But back to the story, as soon as I heard that exchange I already knew it would be a funny evening. So after I was patted down, me & my homie go inside only to see 2 females peace each other up Westside (Blood set). There were WAY too many niggerish moments in there for me to really give a full rundown of them all. I smelled the very distinct smell of vaginal secretion in the air & there were all kinds of fat bitches in tights trying to make their ass look fat. Fastforward, the night was capped off with the ceremonial fight at the end. Some nigga caught a right hook to the face over apologizing to this dude after he bumped into him by touching his shoulder. All in all, it was actually ok to be honest. I need to be in places like that every so often to always keep me in touch of where I came from. Good thing for me I knew a lot of niggas in there or I could have ended up like dude who got put down over an apology.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I Know You're Thirsty
Currently listening to: Cam'ron & Vado " Lonely "
So ever since my long lasting infatuation has come to a conclusion I've noticed how shameless some females are. The situations that happen to me aren't new at all but I guess I just pay a lot more attention to them. Maybe I just know or run into some dumb desperate ass women but I swear some females don't give a fuck what you think of them! They call it being straight forward but the way they're doing it is on some thirsty shit! I met this chick I'll say about Tuesday & she calls me 1st day we exchange numbers (1st offense)! We talked for about an hour or 2 & in that time she managed to talk about sex for 75% of it (2nd offense). Like I enjoy sex as much as any man in the world but I don't want to hear about that shit as soon as we meet... WHAT KIND OF HOE ASS SHIT IS THAT?!?! I hope this chick knows I will never take her seriously after that initial conversation. So then this chick follows up & calls me the very next day! She's lost her rabid ass mind hitting my jack 2 days in a row! I didn't even bother to answer because her shameless nature was already on the table. Last night she hits me up & asks if I wanted to come kick it with her at some club with her homies. I told her I'd think about it because I already had several options on my agenda. Then she proceeds to say. "Well what if I said I was trying to fuck tonight?!?!"(3rd offense). So I responded with my usual, " Oh aight..... ". She said she doesn't get turned down & I told her start dealing with niggas who got options in their life. Bitch are you serious?!?! FACT offering me vagina as a reason to do something will get you nothing but laughed at! I have NO problem getting pussy so throwing it at me was not the way to go. After I hung up, I immediately deleted her number! I'm insulted this bitch would even come at me in such a fashion! Just because you don't have any respect for yourself apparently doesn't mean you're going to disrespect me. I don't give a fuck how good a female looks if she just offering up pussy like that I will never take her seriously. I hope this is the last I will have to deal with any tomfoolery of this fashion at anytime because I don't got it in me. SHAKING MY FUCKING HEAD!
So ever since my long lasting infatuation has come to a conclusion I've noticed how shameless some females are. The situations that happen to me aren't new at all but I guess I just pay a lot more attention to them. Maybe I just know or run into some dumb desperate ass women but I swear some females don't give a fuck what you think of them! They call it being straight forward but the way they're doing it is on some thirsty shit! I met this chick I'll say about Tuesday & she calls me 1st day we exchange numbers (1st offense)! We talked for about an hour or 2 & in that time she managed to talk about sex for 75% of it (2nd offense). Like I enjoy sex as much as any man in the world but I don't want to hear about that shit as soon as we meet... WHAT KIND OF HOE ASS SHIT IS THAT?!?! I hope this chick knows I will never take her seriously after that initial conversation. So then this chick follows up & calls me the very next day! She's lost her rabid ass mind hitting my jack 2 days in a row! I didn't even bother to answer because her shameless nature was already on the table. Last night she hits me up & asks if I wanted to come kick it with her at some club with her homies. I told her I'd think about it because I already had several options on my agenda. Then she proceeds to say. "Well what if I said I was trying to fuck tonight?!?!"(3rd offense). So I responded with my usual, " Oh aight..... ". She said she doesn't get turned down & I told her start dealing with niggas who got options in their life. Bitch are you serious?!?! FACT offering me vagina as a reason to do something will get you nothing but laughed at! I have NO problem getting pussy so throwing it at me was not the way to go. After I hung up, I immediately deleted her number! I'm insulted this bitch would even come at me in such a fashion! Just because you don't have any respect for yourself apparently doesn't mean you're going to disrespect me. I don't give a fuck how good a female looks if she just offering up pussy like that I will never take her seriously. I hope this is the last I will have to deal with any tomfoolery of this fashion at anytime because I don't got it in me. SHAKING MY FUCKING HEAD!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Muthafucka For What?!?!
Currently listening to: Jay-Z feat. Bilal " Fallin' "
So my father hit me up on NYD to wish me a happy new year & says he need to talk to me. Now my father has lived in Iowa (yea Iowa not Ohio but fuckin' Iowa) for the last 13 years or so & I've seen him 1 time since his mother/my nana died when I was 12. This nigga always wants to hit me with that "daddy" shit! I'm 25 fuckin years old & the days of having a father are long overdue & out of my mind. I truly appreciate my step-father & all the things he's taught me growing up but I only got 1 father & his sorry ass lives in Iowa. I love the man to death because he is my father but at the same time I can't stand the nigga. You know what it is to love someone with all your heart but in the same heartbeat you can't stand them?!? Part of me wants to hear this nigga out but thats my soft inner child who stills sees him as the man who introduced to basketball & how to defend myself. Then part of me says "Man, fuck that sorry ass nigga!!" & thats the part of me who had to see some other nigga come in & teach me how to be a man. I learned several things from my father but the main thing I learned is how not to treat your children. Regardless of whatever my future holds, I will NEVER turn my back on my children!!! I don't care if I'm homeless , I will ALWAYS be there for my children until my last breath! I sincerely pray God shows him the way & I also pray that God 1 day will allow me the inner strength to break bread with my father. Maybe 1 day I will see him as my "daddy" again but for now that nigga will continue to be Darron to me!
So my father hit me up on NYD to wish me a happy new year & says he need to talk to me. Now my father has lived in Iowa (yea Iowa not Ohio but fuckin' Iowa) for the last 13 years or so & I've seen him 1 time since his mother/my nana died when I was 12. This nigga always wants to hit me with that "daddy" shit! I'm 25 fuckin years old & the days of having a father are long overdue & out of my mind. I truly appreciate my step-father & all the things he's taught me growing up but I only got 1 father & his sorry ass lives in Iowa. I love the man to death because he is my father but at the same time I can't stand the nigga. You know what it is to love someone with all your heart but in the same heartbeat you can't stand them?!? Part of me wants to hear this nigga out but thats my soft inner child who stills sees him as the man who introduced to basketball & how to defend myself. Then part of me says "Man, fuck that sorry ass nigga!!" & thats the part of me who had to see some other nigga come in & teach me how to be a man. I learned several things from my father but the main thing I learned is how not to treat your children. Regardless of whatever my future holds, I will NEVER turn my back on my children!!! I don't care if I'm homeless , I will ALWAYS be there for my children until my last breath! I sincerely pray God shows him the way & I also pray that God 1 day will allow me the inner strength to break bread with my father. Maybe 1 day I will see him as my "daddy" again but for now that nigga will continue to be Darron to me!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
What A Tangled Web We Weave.....
Currently listening to: Young Chris "Go Hard"
So my last post done struck a cord with some folks from what a 3rd party has informed me of. I don't back down from anything that I say and/or type for that matter. I put down whatever is on my mind if I feel like putting it on the blog at the time being. I really don't care if anyone ever reads this at all but to those who do just sit back & enjoy the fuckery. I'd never put anyone out there & start saying anyone's name to keep things something like a story even though shit is real life. Everyone always going to have their perspective of how shit went down so let's all take a fuckin' breather & not start feeling any "type of way" bout shit I said. At the end of the day, I'm going to use this as forum to randomly spew my thoughts & views on situations in my life. ANYONE have a problem, I'm available to talk it or box it out whichever you prefer. I'm not even a violent person but definitely ain't no shook nigga in me either!
So my last post done struck a cord with some folks from what a 3rd party has informed me of. I don't back down from anything that I say and/or type for that matter. I put down whatever is on my mind if I feel like putting it on the blog at the time being. I really don't care if anyone ever reads this at all but to those who do just sit back & enjoy the fuckery. I'd never put anyone out there & start saying anyone's name to keep things something like a story even though shit is real life. Everyone always going to have their perspective of how shit went down so let's all take a fuckin' breather & not start feeling any "type of way" bout shit I said. At the end of the day, I'm going to use this as forum to randomly spew my thoughts & views on situations in my life. ANYONE have a problem, I'm available to talk it or box it out whichever you prefer. I'm not even a violent person but definitely ain't no shook nigga in me either!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Jokes On You......
Currently listening to: The Dream "Betcha Gon Know"
So I already told the story of how I ended up having some random ass sexual encounter on NYE/New Year's Day.... well the story gets EXTRA funny now!! So 1 of my homies wanted to fuck the chick I fucked that night but she in turn was in my ear tellin' me she wanted to get it in. So since the event, he's found a way to bring this up on a DAILY basis! LIKE FORREAL nigga you trippin' over pussy?!?! He text me before I left his crib with the chick & asked was I going to fuck her because he was going to if I didn't. I told him that if he wanted it then he got it because I already know I had that whenever (even funnier cause she said she wouldn't fuck him sober or drunk! Don't matter if it's true but it damn sure is funny). Like you know someone's a little miffed about a situation when they always try to joke about it on the sly (yea I fuckin' said "miffed" lol). But this is the same guy who actually asked if it was ok to talk to a chick he knew I was talking to(I told him to go ahead though because I'm not going to tell an adult what to do with his life). On top of that, his phone says the name of the person who sends him a text message but when the chick who was in question texts him he rushes to silence his phone(any other time he just lets the shit go off,lol)! LIKE FORREAL nigga.... I love him to death & like a brother, I will never let a chick come between me & him! But on his end, I guess there is a difference on that sentiment. OVER SOME PUSSY....WHAT THE FUCK?!?! I swear I can't make this shit up in my wildest dreams!
So I already told the story of how I ended up having some random ass sexual encounter on NYE/New Year's Day.... well the story gets EXTRA funny now!! So 1 of my homies wanted to fuck the chick I fucked that night but she in turn was in my ear tellin' me she wanted to get it in. So since the event, he's found a way to bring this up on a DAILY basis! LIKE FORREAL nigga you trippin' over pussy?!?! He text me before I left his crib with the chick & asked was I going to fuck her because he was going to if I didn't. I told him that if he wanted it then he got it because I already know I had that whenever (even funnier cause she said she wouldn't fuck him sober or drunk! Don't matter if it's true but it damn sure is funny). Like you know someone's a little miffed about a situation when they always try to joke about it on the sly (yea I fuckin' said "miffed" lol). But this is the same guy who actually asked if it was ok to talk to a chick he knew I was talking to(I told him to go ahead though because I'm not going to tell an adult what to do with his life). On top of that, his phone says the name of the person who sends him a text message but when the chick who was in question texts him he rushes to silence his phone(any other time he just lets the shit go off,lol)! LIKE FORREAL nigga.... I love him to death & like a brother, I will never let a chick come between me & him! But on his end, I guess there is a difference on that sentiment. OVER SOME PUSSY....WHAT THE FUCK?!?! I swear I can't make this shit up in my wildest dreams!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Cot Damn.... Its A New Year!!!!
Currently listening to: Lil Wayne "Oh Let's Do It"
Thank the good Lord for allowing me to see another year 1st & foremost! 2009 was a year of some moments I'd like to throw away but plenty of good things happened to overshadow them. My sister had a baby, which has been great so far because I love my niece to death. She loves me to death as well & it ALMOST makes me want a kid of my own, ALMOST! I bought my car & even though its been broken into TWICE, I never had any major mechanical problems with it. I really reconnected with my homie Peanut Butter after us losing touch for a couple of years. We call each other Peanut Butter & Jelly because we compliment each other very well. We're usually on the same train of thought most of the time which is pretty cool to have someone who gets you most of the time. Even though we've had sex on several occasions, that doesn't complicate our friendship. On the flip side of the whole friendship realm, I decided to cut loose a friend that has grown to know me pretty well. Right now it's pretty tough because besides my mother this chick definitely knows me the best of anyone walking this Earth. But as I always say, "shit be like that sometimes!". So there have been good & bad moments for me last year but I wouldn't change a thing! Brought in the the new year with my extended family & we had a drunken blast..... I even hit some of that sour(shoutout to Tana, everything is WAY funnier when you high). Strangely enough, this is the 1st time in my life where I had sex & barely remember it. I woke up with a condom on my dick & a chick face down next to me. I remember everything leading up until where I knew chick was trying to get the penis that evening but then it gets real patchy for me. I'm no whore either because I've known the chick for like 2-3 years. I want somebody to post the video of our mass dance routine on FB too. Like 10 niggas & Phylisia drunk as fuck booty poppin' in the dining room. My nigga Brazy Rah aka Rah Brim somehow managed to B-hop & Stanky Leg all in 1 motion. Boggles had a nip of Patron(who knew Patron made nips?!!?), Brazy Rah also came with a 12-pack of Bud Ice, my lil sis Monika came through with her homie Vicki Minaj (lil fat light skin bitch was trying to do her Nicki Minaj look, FAIL!!), & the Jungle Juice was straight crack. I would really like to know why is New Year's day the wackest day of the year?!! I slept like all day yesterday & now I'm restless today! I hope everybody has a blessed 2010 & I got love for everyone who takes time to read my ramblings. I look forward to adding to my blog with good memories...........
Thank the good Lord for allowing me to see another year 1st & foremost! 2009 was a year of some moments I'd like to throw away but plenty of good things happened to overshadow them. My sister had a baby, which has been great so far because I love my niece to death. She loves me to death as well & it ALMOST makes me want a kid of my own, ALMOST! I bought my car & even though its been broken into TWICE, I never had any major mechanical problems with it. I really reconnected with my homie Peanut Butter after us losing touch for a couple of years. We call each other Peanut Butter & Jelly because we compliment each other very well. We're usually on the same train of thought most of the time which is pretty cool to have someone who gets you most of the time. Even though we've had sex on several occasions, that doesn't complicate our friendship. On the flip side of the whole friendship realm, I decided to cut loose a friend that has grown to know me pretty well. Right now it's pretty tough because besides my mother this chick definitely knows me the best of anyone walking this Earth. But as I always say, "shit be like that sometimes!". So there have been good & bad moments for me last year but I wouldn't change a thing! Brought in the the new year with my extended family & we had a drunken blast..... I even hit some of that sour(shoutout to Tana, everything is WAY funnier when you high). Strangely enough, this is the 1st time in my life where I had sex & barely remember it. I woke up with a condom on my dick & a chick face down next to me. I remember everything leading up until where I knew chick was trying to get the penis that evening but then it gets real patchy for me. I'm no whore either because I've known the chick for like 2-3 years. I want somebody to post the video of our mass dance routine on FB too. Like 10 niggas & Phylisia drunk as fuck booty poppin' in the dining room. My nigga Brazy Rah aka Rah Brim somehow managed to B-hop & Stanky Leg all in 1 motion. Boggles had a nip of Patron(who knew Patron made nips?!!?), Brazy Rah also came with a 12-pack of Bud Ice, my lil sis Monika came through with her homie Vicki Minaj (lil fat light skin bitch was trying to do her Nicki Minaj look, FAIL!!), & the Jungle Juice was straight crack. I would really like to know why is New Year's day the wackest day of the year?!! I slept like all day yesterday & now I'm restless today! I hope everybody has a blessed 2010 & I got love for everyone who takes time to read my ramblings. I look forward to adding to my blog with good memories...........
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