Monday, May 10, 2010

Lone Ranger......

Currently Listening To: "In This World" by Jae Millz

Why is that people will always try to find something they believe is to your detriment to use against you when they feeling weak?! If you have to bring down another person down to make yourself feel a little better then you need to re-evaluate your life. Nothing in my life is a detriment to me. Everthing that has happened to me whether it be good, bad, or indifferent makes me the man that I am today. Pat Benetar said love is a battlefield but I honestly believe life is a battlefield. I'm just earning stripes along the way in this war of life. I'm a 1 man battilion & even though I have allies nobody else is fighting the war I'm fighting. So in essence, nobody needs to get ahead of themselves & think that I trust them because I don't. I always sleep with 1 eye open so I see the enemy on the horizon most of the time. Thats not to say I haven't lost my fair share of battles in life........

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