So last night a good friend of mine called me with a dilemma. Her " significant other " is on his usual bullshit and trying to have his cake and eat it too. He's been telling her 1 thing and doing another thing. Now the part where I come in is because he's my homie. Now I'm aware of some of things that he does but its not my place to put the next man's business in the streets so I keep them to myself but at the same time I try to let her know that maybe she should move on. I'm definitely not the person to be listening to for advice on love and happiness so listen to my advice at your own expense. I just hope things work out for her no matter what she unltimately decides to do with her situation.
Everyone has that 1 special someone that they can tell anything to and feel totally comfortable. I used to have someone like that but I don't have them around anymore. Now I wonder, do I get to find another 1 or do I just have to keep things to myself from now on? If I were to attempt to find someone else to share that bond of confidence with does that make what my former confidence bearer and I had less special? I think it just may make the things I shared before a lot less special. So I guess I will just have to keep some things I want to say all bottled up from now because I don't they're coming back. Maybe I should start a journal on some Anne Franke shit!!! Decades from now check my attic and it'll be stashed away somewhere but just make sure my family gets the money made off of my infamous thoughts!