Tuesday, January 20, 2009

YES I CAN......

Currently listening to : Marvin Gaye " Sparrow "

Every time I see an older person's response to President Obama I realize what he means to a lot of people. People closer to my age range usually spit some ignorant comment about Obama. Such as, " Yo, he's gonna have a BBQ at the White House " or " he's gonna legalize weed ". They even repeatedly bash George W. Bush and I admit the man was nothing short of an idiot but let's be mature. Barack Obama doesn't come out talking shit about Bush so more people should follow his lead in that regard. Acknowledge his short-comings and move towards the future.

Now that little piece is off of my chest..... I take the slogan " Yes, we can " to heart but I adapt to my own personal needs. I don't give a fuck what the next person is doing so there is no WE involved. There are very few people in my life I would even include in a statement in the word WE is necessary. So for me it is now " YES, I CAN ". I see President Obama nervous during his oath and I'm reminded that he is indeed human. Many people have exalted him to a status similar to a messiah or a savior. In life when a man gets flustered, he needs to do nothing more than take a breath then re-focus himself. That's a little something my step father told me the other day. But the Obama family is something that deep down inside every human being wants for them self. A strong husband or wife by your side with loving children to carry on your legacy. But your legacy is well built before you even meet your potential spouse or have children. So think how is your story going to be told after you are gone. I'm not going to bullshit myself or whoever may read my blog by saying I'm going to instantly become some fuckin' catalyst for change. But 1 thing that resonates with me is that I just need to be who I need to be for me & my loved 1's. " YES, I CAN "

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